Late February. Araragi is seen fighting with Yozuru in order to become stronger without the use of his vampire powers as she does. Yozuru tells Araragi that he will die before he becomes able to learn her technique. Araragi then poses the question about Yozuru and Yotsugi seeing as how Yotsugi only calls Yozuru "Onee-san" but is unlike all the males she knows, whom she each calls "Onii-san" after their names. Yozuru then tells Araragi that she'll tell him about their relationship only if he lands a single blow against her in battle. Araragi accepts and goes home. Later, Araragi asks his sister Karen for advice. Karen points out how Araragi should have not accepted the fight at all seeing as how it will be impossible to even land a single blow. She also points out that the extremely hard difficulty only proves how Yozuru does not want to tell Araragi the truth, only indirectly rejecting to answer the question. Karen finishes by saying how she would try to not disgrace her opponent by losing the battle without letting the opponent know that she knows about not being answered at all. Thus Araragi prepares to lose gracefully by getting Shinobu to make him a gun using her vampire power of creation and in turn landing a single "blow" even if it is not a punch. The next day, Araragi goes to the mountain where Yozuru should be waiting for him but she never appears.